DIOPTRA aims to introduce a front-line screening tool that will consider risk factors and protein biomarkers for pinpointing individuals at high risk for colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence. Tissue & blood samples will be examined towards a discriminative set of prognostic proteins that are detectable via standard bloodwork and can indicate a need for further evaluation (i.e. colonoscopy). Other data (e.g. medical, behavioural) will also be considered as potential risk factors. Artificial intelligence (AI) will be leveraged for assessing prognostic power, while personalised behavioural change will be promoted based on modifiable risk factors. Given the low citizen participation in CRC screening across the European Union, DIOPTRA seeks to broaden the evaluated population, boosting participation rates and bypassing age screening thresholds.

Project Acronym:DIOPTRA
Project Name:Early Dynamic Screening for Colorectal Cancer via Novel Protein Biomarkers Reflecting Biological Initiation Mechanisms
CORDIS:Visit CORDIS website
Grant Agreement number:101095542
Granting authority:European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)
Call Identifier:HORIZON-MISS-2021-CANCER-02
Type of action:HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions
Starting Date:1 January 2023
Duration:48 months